Magnesium Alloy AZ31B
The magnesium alloy is manufactured to provide a flat surface with moderate strength and ductility. The production process determines a slab with exceptional dimensional stability in processing and remains stable over time. There is sufficient ductility for the formation of a limited room temperature combined with weldability to allow the production of a multitude of complex parts.
The machined magnesium Alloy AZ31B has the following advantages and features:
• Damping (absorbs vibrations for a longer life while maintaining dimensional stability).
• Equipment (4 to 5 times longer tool life).
• Finishes (up to 5 times more workable than laminated aluminum).
• Costs (dry machine, without oil or chemicals).
• Weight (easier management saves energy and time).
• Flatness (eliminates surface processing).
• Stability (no distension after processing; no warp and dents resistance).
• Welding (strong welds up to 95% of the parent metal, with minimal porosity).
• Alkali-resistant (simplifies cleaning).
• Corrosion Resistant (there is a wide variety of chemical treatments for corrosion
protection, alteration of the surface appearance and to provide a base for painting. The basic engineering precautions are galvanic corrosion).
• Strength (excellent strength and rigidity per unit of weight).
• Non-irritating (solid and robust surface, with low friction coefficient and minimum wear).
• Heat dissipation (ideal for a wide range of operating temperatures, from 350 ° Fahrenheit
to -30 ° Fahrenheit).
• Non-magnetic (good for electrical and computer applications).
• Volume of the unit to give precedence (good for electrical and computer applications).
• Volume of the unit to give precedence (greater quantity of finished magnesium material
obtained, pound per pound).
• Recovery (the piece maintains a constantly high level of value).